Switch is a vignette-style short documentary written and directed by JT McCreery, and produced by Gear Seven in collaboration with Shift Dynamics. Switch captures the passionate essence of several individuals immersed in the skating culture in Nashville, TN. Through the film, the important roles in which skating serves in the lives of these individuals is evident through the dedication, love, and appreciation they put into their art. For them, skating transcends being that of which it is just an adrenaline-filled sport — it is a community, a way to express oneself, and a lifestyle. Shift Dynamics utilized the AGITO to capture the majority of the shots in this short film. The AGITO enabled the team to capture smooth continuous shots while seamlessly following alongside the athletes as they moved throughout the skatepark and streets.
Director: JT McCreery
Producer: Cody Fisher-Williams
DP: Justin Wylie
1st AC: Quinn Foster
2nd AC / 8mm Op: Tani Houston
Phantom Tech: Kirk Slawek
Phantom Tech: John Spencer
AGITO Op: Patrick Wilson
Production Company: Gear Seven
Camera Solutions: Shift Dynamics
PA: Jordan Hubbard
PA: Rea Ariola
Color: Brett Price
Sound Design / Audio Mix: Alonso Cacho
Project Manager: Maddie Herreid
Wardrobe: Spiritual World Tour
Talent: Tony Woodland
Talent: Natalie Simmons
Talent: Brian Wooden
Talent: Aydan Wren
Talent: Phillip Sheffield
Talent: Lataj Cason
Talent: Fred